What is your role at Clever Ghost & how long have you been on the team?
I've worked as a junior designer at Clever Ghost for a year now, but I also spent seven months here on work placement.
How have you found your time at Clever Ghost?
It's been great! I picked up where I left off after placement and it's exciting to be part of how the studio hopes to grow in the future.
What do you like most about working at Clever Ghost?
The team here is a big part of what makes work enjoyable. I also appreciate our ethos of making positive change, not only through the work we produce but in all aspects of studio life, which lead us into working towards our B Corp submission.
Do you have any fav projects?
Designing for Fedrigoni 366 2024 was a fun creative puzzle and it was rewarding to be a contributor among so many respected designers. Another favourite is the branding project we're currently working on (watch this space!), which has been a labour of love for the whole team and it's been great to champion their already established core brand throughout the process.
What is one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out in the industry?
Keep learning! From each new job, from your colleagues, books, zines, blogs, random side projects and hobbies. There's always more to learn to grow your skills and keep your creativity bubbling over. If it helps, keep notes as if you were still studying so that you can look back on and evaluate your experiences.
Have you learnt anything new during your time here?
Probably the key thing I've learnt is not to rush into looking for a visual aesthetic in response to a brief, but to nail down the concept and everything else will fall into place. In the past I've been guilty of mistaking concept and aesthetics for the same thing.
What are your goals for the year ahead?
To keep growing in confidence and experience. I'm also attempting to design and typeface, so hopefully I'll be a proud parent within the next year.
What do you enjoy doing away from the studio?
I usually have some crochet or sewing project on the go, and I also love a good board games night.